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Juice in Glass

Cleanse Program

We know juice. Our cold-pressed juices are filled with ingredients that actively heal the body and support natural physiological processes.


We provide 3 juice cleanse options. The longer you cleanse, the deeper the detox. For those who are new to cleansing, we recommend that you be patient with yourself. Save your juices for moments of peak hunger, drink plenty of water throughout the day, and try to finish your juices before 8 pm to avoid digesting during sleeping hours.

Multi Flavor Healthy Juice
Green Juice

CLEANSE 1 ($48)
4 x Smoothies and 1 x Juice per day

Cleanse 1 is ideal for first-timers or those who would like to maintain an active lifestyle throughout the cleanse. Smoothies replace regular meals, leaving you feeling full. 


This program allows the body time to detoxify while staying energized and full.

CLEANSE 2 ($58)
3 x Juices, 2 x Smoothies, and
1 Wellness Shot per day

Cleanse 2 is the next level of detoxification. Cleansing relieves you of the stress that your normal diet puts on your body. Supplementing more of your meals with juices gives the digestive system a rest. When less energy is required for digestion, that energy supports other systems in the body, leaving you feeling more energized and healthy overall. 


This transition isn't always easy, so we recommend that you save your smoothies for the times when you crave a meal.

Apple Berry Smoothie
Guvava Juice

CLEANSE 3 ($76)
6 x Juices and 2 x Wellness Shots
per day

This is the total Activated Challenge! 42 juices in 7 days offers the ultimate detox experience. No calories to digest, only all of the nourishing vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need to thrive. In moments of hunger we suggest that you make a pot of hot herbal tea. Remember to drink lots of water throughout the day and be mindful of your commitment to health!

This cleanse is intended to give your digestive system the break that it needs and deserves! By completely replacing your daily fuel with fresh cold-pressed juices, the energy normally used for digestion is reallocated to other physiological processes. This break gives your body the opportunity to reset and rid itself of toxins built up over time. We recommend completing this cleanse for at least 3 days to experience results.

Why Cleanse?

We all crave a break every now and then. When you honor yourself by taking a break to refocus on what matters you can come back 10 times stronger.

Guess what?
The same concept applies to your body!

Taking a break from solid foods gives your digestive system a break and allows energy normally used for digestion to be reallocated to other organs and systems in the body. By drinking juice, you are giving your body the nutrients it needs to facilitate your body's natural detoxifying processes. 

How does it work? 
On a cleanse, your body is able to detox from what is ingested through foods, drinks, pesticides, air, water, and other toxins that we are unknowingly consuming on a regular basis.

Juice Bottles

Signs you need to detox

  • Lack of focus

  • Uncomfortable bloating

  • Constipation

  • Puffiness

  • Fatigue

  • Skin irritation (rashes, acne, rosacea)

  • Weight gain

What a cleanse can do:

  • Boost energy

  • Support weight loss

  • Strengthen immune system

  • Improve skin complexion

  • Peace of mind

  • Combat aging

    Give your body the opportunity to reset and regenerate. Cleansing clears out the toxins that accumulate in our lymphatic system and fat cells over time. Throughout the detoxification process, you are actively healing your whole body system by only giving yourself the nutrients you need. Cleansing can help regulate immune function, increase vitality, and overall health. Our programs were designed for those who are looking to achieve weight loss, avoid illness, prevent inflammation, improve skin health, and feel more energized over all increase your overall.
    If you are doing our Beginners Cleanse, you are welcome to consume one light plant-based salad to curb any cravings each day. You could also substitute a plant-based soup as an alternative. If you decide to consume food during your cleansing process, we recommend that you consume your meal in the middle of the day to reduce the energy your body will spend digesting food while you are resting at night. If you are doing an Intermediate or Advanced Stage Cleanse with us, then we strongly recommend you stick to the outline and products that we have provided for the best results. You are welcome to drink water and herbal teas as needed.
    No. Caffeine is a toxic substance inside the body. While cleansing, the body will be aggressively removing it along with many, many, other toxins. So, drinking more would be counterproductive. Furthermore, the process of cleansing the body is not entirely without discomfort. People who drink a lot of caffeine in their daily life often develop a headache on and off for at least a day or two whilst juice cleansing.
    Yes! During the first few days of your juice cleanse your body heavily detoxifies. You do this by utilizing the energy usually set aside for digestion. So, as a byproduct of slowing down or stopping your digestive process, you gain lots of energy. Once the detoxification process is in the completion phase, that extra energy is then used to fuel greater brain and body function, creating harmony. Your frequency changes. It is a serene feeling that you land into.
    No order is necessary. The only guidelines are to drink lots of water, drink your juice or smoothie when you feel hungry (every two or three hours), finally drink your last juice or smoothie at least three hours before you go to bed. You may drink water or hot tea (without caffeine of course) closer to bedtime.
    Three days of juice cleansing will significantly detoxify you. However, it is a very personal experience, and some people will take longer to get fully detoxified. It also depends somewhat on your age. Most people beyond the age of 30 have begun to store toxins in large and dangerous quantities. This will take a little longer to clean out. Seven full days of juice cleansing can significantly purify your blood of bacteria and other harmful parasites. We recommend most people over 30 do at least seven days of cleansing. This way it will ensure a complete detox and at least a few days of increased vitality, helping to restart the system.
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